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Selected Faculty Publications

Year Type Faculty Member Publication Link Citation
2004 Article/Essay Katherine Pratt 24 Va. Tax Rev. 187 (2004)
2004 Article/Essay Katherine Pratt 89 Cornell L. Rev. 1121 (2004)
2004 Article/Essay Cesare P.R. Romano 78 Phil. L.J. 560 (2003-2004)
2004 Article/Essay Cesare P.R. Romano 103 J. Int'l L. & Diplomacy 84 (2004)
2004 Article/Essay Marcy Strauss 48 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 201 (2004)
2004 Article/Essay Michael E. Waterstone 8 J. Gender Race & Just. 101 (2004)
2004 Article/Essay Gary Williams 37 Loy. L. A. L. Rev. 925 (2004)
2004 Book Chapter Jeffery C. Atik in NAFTA Investment Law and Arbitration: Past Issues, Current Practice, Future Prospects (Todd Weiler ed., Transnational 2004)
2004 Book Chapter Eric J. Miller in Major Acts of Congress (Brian K. Landsberg ed., 2004)
2004 Book Chapter Florrie Young Roberts in California Real Property Remedies and Damages (3d ed. 2004)
2004 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia (Cesare P.R. Romano et al., eds., Oxford Univ. Press, 2004)
2004 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals: Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia (Oxford Univ. Press, 2004)
2004 Book Chapter Michael E. Waterstone in Encyclopedia on Disability (Sage Publications 2004)
2004 Testimony Kimberly West-Faulcon Hearing Before the Cal. Assemb. Select Comm. on Urban Youth (May 4, 2004)
2004 Amicus Brief David W. Glazier Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, No. 04-5393 (D.C. Cir. Dec. 29, 2004) (w/ Phillip Carter)
2004 Casebook Victor J. Gold (Wolters Kluwer, 1st ed. 2004) (w/ David Leonard)
2004 Casebook Daniel P. Selmi (Aspen / Wolters Kluwer, 2d ed. 2004) (w/ James A. Kushner)
2004 Edited Book Cesare P.R. Romano (Oxford Univ. Press, 2004) (w/ A. Nollkaemper & J. Kleffner eds.)
2004 Treatise Allan P. Ides (Aspen, 3d ed. 2004) (w/ Christopher N. May)
2004 Treatise Allan P. Ides (Aspen, 3d ed. 2004) (w/ Christopher N. May)
2004 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2004)
2004 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2004)
2004 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2004)
2004 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (2d ed.)
2004 Treatise Daniel W. Martin (Lexis, 7th ed. 2004)