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Selected Faculty Publications

Year Type Faculty Member Publication Link Citation
2006 Article/Essay Theodore P. Seto 59 SMU L. Rev. 1761 (2006)
2006 Article/Essay Theodore P. Seto 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1053 (2006) (w/ Sande L. Buhai)
2006 Article/Essay Michael E. Waterstone 75 Miss. L.J. 945 (2006) (w/ Anita Silvers & Michael A. Stein)
2006 Article/Essay Michael E. Waterstone 56 Duke L.J. 861 (2006) (w/ Michael A. Stein)
2006 Article/Essay Michael E. Waterstone 30 Mental & Physical Disability L. Rep. 24 (2006) (w/ Michael A. Stein)
2006 Article/Essay Michael E. Waterstone 75 Miss. L.J. I (2006)
2006 Article/Essay Gary Williams 39 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1157 (2006)
2006 Article/Essay Lauren E. Willis 65 Md. L. Rev. 707 (2006)
2006 Book Chapter Jeffery C. Atik in Corporate and Employment Perspectives in a Global Business Environment (Roger Blanpain & Boel Flodgren eds., Kluwer 2006)
2006 Book Chapter Justin Levitt in Making Every Vote Count: Federal Election Legislation in the States (Andrew Rachlin ed., 2006).
2006 Book Chapter Daniel W. Martin in Art, Artifact & Architecture Law (Jessica L. Darraby ed., 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge Reference, 2006)
2006 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in Encyclopedia of Globalization (Roland Robertson & Jan Aart Scholte, eds. 2006)
2006 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in 23 Conferences on New Political Economy, International Conflict Resolution 189 (Stefan Voigt et al., eds. 2006)
2006 Book Chapter Jennifer E. Rothman in Intellectual Property and Information Wealth (Peter Yu, ed. 2006)