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Selected Faculty Publications

Year Type Faculty Member Publication Link Citation
2000 Book Chapter Jan C. Costello in Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (2008)
2000 Book Chapter Jan C. Costello in Law, Mental Health and Mental Disorder (Sales and Shuman eds., Brooks/Cole 1996)
2000 Book Chapter Jan C. Costello in The Just One Justices: The Role of Justice At the Heart of Catholic Higher Education (M.K. McCullough ed., University of Scranton Press 2000).
2000 Book Chapter John T. Nockleby in Encyclopedia of the American Constitution (Leonard W. Levy & Kenneth L. Karst eds., 2nd ed. 2000)
2000 Book Chapter Samuel H. Pillsbury in The Passions of Law (S. Bandes ed., 2000)
2000 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in The Caspian Sea: A Quest for Environmental Security (W. Ascher & N. Mirovitskaya, eds. 2000)
2000 Monograph Jan C. Costello (Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. 1992) (w/ Rob Peters)
2000 Treatise Victor J. Gold (West, 1st ed. 2000) (w/ Charles Alan Wright)
2000 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2000)
2000 Treatise Therese H. Maynard (1st ed. 2000)
2000 Book Cesare P.R. Romano (Kluwer, 2000)
1999 Article/Essay Jeffery C. Atik 87 Geo. L.J. 675 (1999) (w/ Joseph Glannon)
1999 Article/Essay Jeffery C. Atik 9 Y.B. Int'l Envt'l L. 6 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Sande L. Buhai 36 San Diego L. Rev. 137 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Jan C. Costello 1 J. Center for Child. & Cts. 101 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay F. Jay Dougherty 46 J. Copyright Soc'y U.S.A. 467 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay David W. Glazier 125/5/1 U.S. Naval Inst. Proc. 155 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Justin Hughes 77 Tex. L. Rev. 923 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Bryan D. Hull 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1 (1999) (w/ Aalok Sharma)
1999 Article/Essay Allan P. Ides 47 UCLA L. Rev. 491 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Laurie L. Levenson 26 Pepp. L. Rev. 879 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Laurie L. Levenson 50 Mercer L. Rev. 737 (1999) (w/ Erwin Chemerinsky)
1999 Article/Essay Laurie L. Levenson 26 Fordham Urb. L.J. 553 (1999)
1999 Article/Essay Lee Petherbridge 65 Differentiation 97 (1999) (w/ S.M. Wojcik et al.)
1999 Article/Essay Cesare P.R. Romano 31 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 709 (1999)