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Selected Faculty Publications

Year Type Faculty Member Publication Link Citation
2010 Working Paper Katherine Pratt LLS Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2010-18 (w/ Paul L. Caron et al.)
2010 Working Paper Katherine Pratt LLS Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2010-9 (w/ Paul L. Caron & Jennifer M. Kowal)
2010 Working Paper Theodore P. Seto LLS Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2010-18 (w/ Paul L. Caron et al.)
2010 Book Chapter F. Jay Dougherty in Law and Magic (Christine Corcos ed., Carolina Academic Press 2010)
2010 Book Chapter David W. Glazier in SAGE Encyclopedia of Terrorism (Gus Martin, 2d ed. 2010)
2010 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in Société française pour le droit international, Le droit international face aux enjeux environnementaux: colloques de Aix-en-Provence, Paris (Pedone, 2010)
2010 Book Chapter Lauren E. Willis Sergio Sorgi & Gaetano Megale, GUIDA ALL’EDUCAZIONE FINANZIARIA: ISTRUZIONI PER UN CORRRETTO USO DELLA FINANZA PERSONALE (IlSole24Ore Press, Milan, Italy, July 2010)
2010 Testimony David W. Glazier Hearing Before the Subcomm. on National Security and Foreign Affairs, H. Comm. Oversight & Gov't Reform, 111th Cong. (Apr. 28, 2010)
2010 Testimony Justin Levitt Hearing on H.B. 5914 Before the H. Judiciary Comm., 95th Leg. (Mich. Apr. 13, 2010) (w/ Myrna Pérez)
2010 Testimony Justin Levitt Hearing on A.B. 895 and 892, and S.B. 640 and 645, Before the Ass. Comm. on Elections & Campaign Reform & the S. Comm. on Labor, Elections & Urban Affairs (Wis. Mar. 31, 2010)
2010 Amicus Brief Hiro N. Aragaki AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, No. 09-893 (U.S. Oct. 6, 2010)
2010 Casebook Laurie L. Levenson (Lexis/ Nexis, 2d ed. 2010) (w/ David Crump et al.)
2010 Casebook Therese H. Maynard (Aspen / Wolters Kluwer, 1st ed. 2010) (w/ Dana M. Warren)
2010 Edited Book Cesare P.R. Romano (Oxford Univ. Press, 2nd ed. 2010) (w/ R. Mackenzie et al., eds.)
2010 Treatise Simona Grossi (Oxford Univ. Press, 2010)
2010 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2010) (w/ Alex Ricciardulli)
2010 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2010) (w/ Alex Ricciardulli)
2010 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2010) (w/ Alex Ricciardulli)
2010 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2010)
2010 Treatise Laurie L. Levenson (Thomson Reuters 2010)
2010 Book Simona Grossi (Oxford Univ. Press, 2010) (w/ Maria Cristina Pagni)
2010 Book Justin Levitt (2d ed. 2010)
2009 Article/Essay Ellen P. Aprill Proceedings of the USC Gould School of Law 61st Inst. on Federal Taxation – Major Tax Planning (2009)
2009 Article/Essay Hiro N. Aragaki 24 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. 407 (2009)
2009 Article/Essay Hiro N. Aragaki 119 Yale L.J. F. 1 (2009)