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Selected Faculty Publications

Year Type Faculty Member Publication Link Citation
2021 Article/Essay Ellen P. Aprill __ Pitt. Tax. Rev. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Hiro N. Aragaki LLS Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2020-11
2021 Article/Essay Sande L. Buhai __ St. John's L. Rev. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Sande L. Buhai __ Animal L. Rev. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Rebecca A. Delfino 39 Yale L. & Pol'y Rev. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Justin Hughes 14 Ohio St. Bus. L. J. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Justin Hughes __ Vanderbilt J. Trans. L. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Justin Hughes 58 Houston L. Rev. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Justin Hughes 34 Harv. J. L. & Tech. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Yxta Maya Murray __ Buff. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Yxta Maya Murray L. & Literature (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Yxta Maya Murray __ Tex. Hisp. J. L. & Pol'y __ (forthcoming)
2021 Article/Essay Jennifer E. Rothman 130 Yale L. J. __ (forthcoming) (w/ Robert Post)
2021 Book Chapter Hiro N. Aragaki in Discussions in Dispute Resolution (Andrea Schneider et al. eds., Oxford Univ. Press forthcoming)
2021 Book Chapter Kathleen Kim in Encyclopedia of Migration (Frank D. Bean & Susan K. Brown eds., Springer forthcoming) (w/ Stephanie Limoncelli)
2021 Book Chapter Priscilla A. Ocen in Rachel Roth, Reproductive Justice and the Criminal Justice System (Univ. of Cal. Press, forthcoming)
2021 Book Chapter Elizabeth Pollman in The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance (Benjamin van Rooij & D. Daniel Sokol eds., Cambridge Univ. Press forthcoming)
2021 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in The Right to Science: Then and Now (H. Porsdam & S. Porsdam Mann eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, forthcoming)
2021 Book Chapter Cesare P.R. Romano in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford Univ. Press, forthcoming)
2021 Book Chapter Adam S. Zimmerman Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice (forthcoming)
2021 Book Simona Grossi (Cambridge Univ. Press, forthcoming)
2021 Book Yxta Maya Murray (Univ. of Nevada Press forthcoming)
2021 Book Yxta Maya Murray (Northwestern Univ. Press forthcoming)
2020 Article/Essay Ellen P. Aprill 85 Exempt Org. Tax Rev. 395 (2020)
2020 Article/Essay Robert D. Brain 23 Chapman L. Rev. 163 (2020)